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Nice booths constructed by Dosen Exhibition as LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA

来源:本站原创 浏览数:2563 发布时间:2019-3-26

LASER World of PHOTONICS CHINA is Asia’s largest trade fair for the photonics industry. It took place in Shanghai from March 20 to 22 this year at Shanghai New International Expo Centre.

In the past years, Dosen Exhibition served as the booth contractor for HG Laser with high quality service. Take a look at our success exhibition booth job once again at Laser world of Photonics China.

Nice on site photo for Huaray booth,Dosen Exhibition stand builder in China.

Providing exhibition services / Exhibition stand construction / Booth construction is further available in the following languages: German - 'Messebau', Russian - 'здания для проведения ярмарок', Spanish - 'Construcciones de mediciones', Polish - 'Budownictwo na potrzeby targów', Chinese - '展台搭建', French - 'Construction de stands pour salons', Italian - 'allestimenti fieristico', Turkish - 'Fuarcılık', Portuguese - 'Montagem de feiras', Czech - 'výstavba veletrhů', Hungarian - 'Vásár építés', by Dosen Exhibition

